Hemp for Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies

For centuries hemp has been a part of our everyday healthy lives. Despite this, there has been a long and unjust war against cannabis sativa, including the non-psychoactive variety known as hemp. For forty years, the United States has not allowed hemp research, due to its classification as a Schedule 1 substance. With the 2014 passing of the Farm Bill, hemp can now be part of long overdue research. Because of this research, companies are discovering how effectively hemp can help women’s health.

The first thing to know about hemp is that it does not get you high. While marijuana is grown for its high THC content, hemp contains less than .3 % THC. All parts of the plant can be utilized, and there is potential for additional health benefits still to be unlocked.

Hemp has been a staple to our diets for generations. Some CBD activists believe that since hemp was banned, we have not been getting our daily dose of CBD. They believe that this lack of regular CBD intake has caused many health concerns, including those for women. Several studies have shown a direct correlation between CBD intake and healthy pregnancies and baby development.

The hemp seed is rich in proteins. Hemp contains a perfect ratio of fatty acids, including omega 3, 6 and 9. These fatty acids are absorbed by expecting mothers and help with visual and cognitive development of the baby. Omega 3 has also shown to lower the risk of preterm labor. Also, a good diet of omega 3 helps with breast milk production. Mom and baby can both drink hemp milk. (Consult your physician.)

Katy Herland of Canyon Country, California, explains her own experiences of adding hemp milk to her diet while breastfeeding:  “During my pregnancy I discovered my hormones had changed and I became lactose intolerant.” This seems to be a problem with a lot of pregnant women. Katy also describes “I had trouble breastfeeding. Once I cut out dairy and started using hemp milk, I produced more milk.” She goes on to say, “I feel with new studies being done on hemp we will find more ways to incorporate hemp into our diets and lifestyles.”

Today we live in an exciting time. Families are starting to discover the benefits of hemp in their healthy lifestyle. It’s time we utilized the plant that has been part of our culture, industry, and diet for 3000 years. Hemp can make the world a healthier place.

Ways to incorporate hemp healthy products into your life:

Hemp Milk

Hemp milk can provide a healthy ratio of omega-3 and Omega -6 fatty acids. Hemp milk also provides ten essential amino acids as well as many vitamins, including B-12. Hemp milk contains similar amounts of calcium as dairy milk with none of the cholesterol.

Hemp Tinctures

Although not approved by the FDA, hemp tinctures have been reported to help with many ailments. There has been an army of women doing research and coming to their own conclusions when it comes to hemp and cannabis for themselves and their families.

Hemp Lotions

The hemp seed provides many nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, including vitamin E which promotes healthy skin growth and vitamin C to help with skin elasticity and tone. Hemp oil is also rich in vitamin B. Hemp lotions also tend to be paraben free. A little bit goes a long way when it comes to moisturizing your skin with hemp lotions.