
The Choice: Seeds Or Clones

The Choice: Seeds Or Clones

How To Grow a Tree Recently Stoner Magazine asked me to talk about the difference between using clones or seeds outdoors. In this article

Stoner Cultivation | Clone Wars

Stoner Cultivation | Clone Wars

With spring fast approaching and the 2017 outdoor growing season just around the corner, many growers find themselves preparing for their best year ye

Growing 101 | All the Young Dudes | Cannabis Pollen and Use

Growing 101 | All the Young Dudes | Cannabis Pollen and Use

Cannabis is a dioecious plant, which means that the male and female flowers develop on separate plants, although monoecious examples with both sexes

Find Happiness Naturally with TJ’s Gardens

Find Happiness Naturally with TJ’s Gardens

In an industry as dynamic as recreational cannabis, TJ’s Gardens strives to be a unique, community-minded company that provides high quality product

Stoner Cultivation | Growing Exposed | From Seed to Weed

Stoner Cultivation | Growing Exposed | From Seed to Weed

Turning to the internet has become a jungle of information, most of which is trash, as everyone and their dog has begun blogging, writing

Master Grower | Ed Rosenthal

Master Grower | Ed Rosenthal

If you don’t know who Ed Rosenthal is you probably haven’t been around cannabis very long, as he is a legend. He has authored

Grow Spotlight | Yerba Buena

Grow Spotlight | Yerba Buena

When people hear “marijuana grow operation”, they often picture some stoner in a bathrobe, named Chazz, running up his mom’s electricity bill in

Master Grower | Ken Morrow

Master Grower | Ken Morrow

  Can you imagine being able to integrate the terpene profile of say… Strawberry Cough, with the buzz of a high THC strain such

Master Grower | Mel Frank

Master Grower | Mel Frank

  “Nurturing and watching these beautiful plants as they respond can be a humanising experience. Marijuana farmers know their plants as vital l