Review | Product | Magic Butter Machine

Review | Product | Magic Butter Machine

Review | Product | Magic Butter Machine

Who doesn’t love canna butter but hates the hassle of making it?!
Just about everyone.

Since I have plenty of friends who love edibles, I decided to give the Magical Butter machine a try.

It has a great shape, is fun to use, and the colored lights on the machine are too cool! The directions are very simply written and easily followed so that you won’t encounter any problems.

Once you finish the first step of decarboxylating the cannabis, it’s ready to be added into the magical butter machine along with the butter and lecithin.

After that, the process is easy: the machine blends the butter, cannabis, and lecithin then heats the mixture to 160 degrees. That process takes two hours. Next, you strain the butter through their included filter – and voila’ – canna butter! It truly is magical!

Now I’m off to happily bake cookies with a fresh batch of magical butter, made from this magical machine!

To purchase your own Magical Butter machine, visit their website at: here at

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Stoner Magazine

Stoner is a progressively popular cannabis print and online magazine publication that attracts and engages enlightened adult cannabis consumers and cannabis business owners from unique and ever-evolving canna-cultural and lifestyle perspectives.


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