N2 Packaging

The Solution for Our Packaging Problems

At some point in our lives, we have all encountered major problems such as stale weed, moldy weed, or expired weed. Whether you are a grower or a smoker, you’ve lost weed due to Father Time and his unforgiving hand of doom. I’ve seen hundreds of pounds go bad, simply because they weren’t stored properly.

“Hang it up in the ol’ garage, it’ll be fine! It’s just a plant, dry it out and smoke it.”

That advice, as we now know, is a myth. Professionally curing is a long and tedious process, and it takes experience to know how easy it is for it all to go south, quickly. After everything we go through every season or cycle, a lot of us neglect our flower once it’s cut. You can’t just put it in a turkey bag and hope for the best any longer! The industry’s standards are constantly becoming stricter, which is great for consumers. Also, it makes us rethink the way we store our beloved products. How do you store your buds? We all have our methods, and I know so many friends who have awesome ways of storing cannabis, but I have one that’ll blow your mind: N2 Packaging’s Nitrogen Sealed Can.

We all have tried our hand with nitrogen sealing turkey bags, or burying our jars in a hole in the ground and then pouring nitrogen in it, right? No? Maybe just me?

N2 Packaging Systems brilliantly patented their idea of hermetically nitrogen-sealing controlled substances a few years back. The idea is that the nitrogen replaces air and moisture, making it virtually impossible for the buds to be exposed to mold, mites, or anything whatsoever; perfectly preserved until a lucky consumer pops the top. It’s truly a “farm to table” experience.
The cans come in eighth and quarter sizes. The tops and sides of the cans get dressed in the farm’s brand, logo, and flower information. There are tracking options (RFID), and having your product in a can means easy storage. The cans also come with a re-sealable plastic lid that fits on snugly. There is also a child and senior-proof lid available, which solves a lot of problems for states with harsher packaging regulations and restrictions.

Think of canned cannabis like wine: “Here is my 2013 Sour Diesel Reserve, my favorite harvest.” Canning your cannabis extends shelf life tremendously, allowing farmers to sell ALL of their product without the stress of it going bad. This is the solution we’ve been looking for, and once it’s tested for THC content, sealed, and labeled, it’s market-ready.

N2 just came out with a brand new “High Volume Machine” that can pump out 35 CPM (Cans Per Minute), that’s 35 eighths a minute! That’s 16 pounds an hour!!!! That would be a productive day.

Stoney Ranch, Mercy Wellness, Lemon Tree, Rare Dankness, Willies Reserve, Space Monkey Medicinals, Golden State Banana, and many more growers and distributors swear by the process, evidenced by their great reviews.

Mercy Wellness in Northern California is the first dispensary to have its entire stock of flower canned. They can all their bud and make a sample available for their customers to examine before purchasing. Customer satisfaction is through the roof!

When I asked a consumer for their thoughts on the can, they said “I was turned off by the idea of buying in a can, just because I couldn’t see what I was getting. I like to see and smell what I’m getting. But I trust these brands, and am always stoked on the quality of the bud every time.”

This is a solution for our packaging problems; The future of storing and selling cannabis is here.

Find more information at n2pack.com