“If they would just let me grow a few plants, I’d never have to buy weed again!” I used to always tell myself before marijuana was legal. Here we are, after almost two years after being able to recreationally grow plants in Oregon, and I‘ve never seriously considered it. I tell myself that I have no idea the expertise that it takes to produce the quality of cannabis that I had grown accustomed to. I know that I have neither the time, nor resources, to start growing for myself. After all, the goal is to save money, not to blow a few grand, right?
We wanted to provide our readers with a detailed list of what a person needs to start growing their own cannabis. I paid a visit to my local grow shop to find out what I would need for the four plants permitted to me. Keep in mind that the legal limit is currently four plants per household, not person. So make sure all your roommates aren’t reading this and planning the same thing. The awesome staff helped me piece together everything needed. I knew the basics; pot, dirt, and light. Even after I thought I had everything and was ready to go, I was told I was still missing quite a bit; just little things that the novice grower would overlook. So I’ve compiled an all-inclusive list to start your very own grow.
1. A grow room: Since you’re most likely only growing four plants, you don’t need a whole garage or greenhouse. A decent sized closet will do. Either way your room needs to be covered in reflective material. Some material comes with a light side for growing; and a dark side for flowering. They also make prefabricated grow tents, if you want to pay a little extra. – Reflective material $24 / Roll
2. Containers: Three gallon pots will be perfect for now. So we will need four, and saucers, pretty simple. – $10 for all
3. Soil: You are going to want a high porosity soil. This will allow your roots more room to grow. A standard two cubic ft bag will be enough to fill your four pots. – $16
4. Lights: There are several pieces to your lighting. To make it easiest for you, and to save some $$$, most shops sell a set that includes a light, reflector hood, and ballast all-in-one. This way you don’t have to piece everything together yourself. Talk to the shop you’re at though! They may be able to get you a better deal, or have a recommendation. – Light, hood, and ballast combo – $210
5. Light Hanger: The light isn’t going to hang itself – $15
6. Light Timer: Are you starting to notice a trend? Lighting and power is a big expense, and the major obstacle to indoor growing – $15
7. Nutrients: I’ll admit, for me at least, this was the most intimidating part of starting a grow. I can keep a plant alive, but there’s a lot more to it these days. That’s where your local grow shop comes in. They can explain to someone like me what each nutrient does, and when or why you would use them. We at least need a Grow, and a Calcium/Magnesium formula. – $16/each
8. Fans: Get a good oscillating fan, use your own fan if you’ve got one. It circulates the air, and mimics the wind helping to strengthen your plants. – $40
9. Dehumidifier: In parts of Oregon keeping the moisture at bay isn’t a battle, it’s a war. You can also get your humidifier from a number of places. You can pick one up at the grow shop, a home improvement store, or just go online. A good one will run you around – $100
10. Thermometer/Hygrometer: Just as important as the temperature is the humidity. – $20
11. Ph Test: You can get an electronic ph meter, but strips work just fine – $5
This is everything you will need to start your very own indoor home grow! All things considered you should expect to spend at least $500 to set-up shop. This doesn’t include unexpected expenses that will inevitably pop-up; like that outrageous power bill you totally weren’t expecting! There is a wealth of information on different growing tips and techniques out there. You should definitely pick up one of the many books written by the master growers featured in this issue.
Watch for the July issue to learn more about starting your indoor grow!