The Healing Effects of Medical Cannabis on a Serious Injury


On a warm and beautiful Sunday morning, two colleagues and I set out with plans to construct my personal greenhouse. We were hard at work for about an hour and half when the drill caught the glove I was wearing and tore through it. As I looked down I realized that I had just put a drill bit, from knuckle to knuckle, through my right hand. I had completely lacerated the muscle and actually pulled the tendon from my index finger, leaving it coiled up at the bottom of my knuckle. Immediately the pain rushed through me, and I knew I had sustained an injury which would certainly require medical attention. Because of my past experience with trauma, I thought about

how I could treat this injury from the knowledge I had acquired throughout my years using cannabis treatments.

By the time I reached the house and removed my glove, the bleeding had nearly stopped. Realizing the extent of my injury, I knew the first and most important thing would be to clean the wound as well as possible. After cleaning, I prepared to dress my hand. I retrieved bandages, tape, a wrap, and most importantly the full extract cannabis oil (FECO) I would be using to treat my injury. I applied FECO directly to the wound, covered it with a tegaderm bandage, and bound it in a protective layer of gauze. I also ingested a marijuana paste, which contained  FECO and coconut oil in

a capsule, to help with my immune system. This was just the first step in my cannabis treatment.    

To read the next part of Tori’s story, as well as some incredible testimonies on the healing properties of this incredible plant, make sure to pick up next month’s issue of Stoner Mag!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Stoner Mag. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.