The Mad Scientist Meets Florence Nightingale

Meet the Scientist: Kit Doyle, and I connected over a shared passion to promote cannabis as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. Over the years, we have seen friends, family, and co-workers go down the path of synthetics and pharmaceuticals—a path that eventually led to the destruction of their lives and, in many cases, the lives of others as well. After witnessing so many friends and family members falling victim to the side effects of traditional meds, Kit realized that Third Day Apothecary (Genesis 1:11-12) became the only real solution to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Kit is a forward thinker, always looking at the big picture. His long-term goals are to turn the tables on conventional medical practices and to help remove the stigma attached to cannabis.

Kit is currently helping me plan a cannabis regimen for a family member who is coping with melanoma. This has allowed me to get a glimpse into the process of making various cannabis oil applications.

While working with Kit, I have been able to see the process from seed to shelf. Cannabis oil can be the most effective method for providing relief from a wide range of ailments. As an OMMP patient, I wanted to learn the process of making cannabis oil, as well as making suppositories. I have family members that benefit from suppository use for help with chronic back pain and sleep problems.

The first time I went to Kit’s “lab,” it was like watching a Mad Scientist in action. I had never seen anything like it! He was like a pinball in a machine, bouncing around from place to place. If you visit Kit, do your best to try to keep up with his frenetic pace. As soon as we finished talking about “medibles,” Kit was off to his next project – getting the Senior Outreach “CannaBus” roadworthy. As he ran out the door, I looked at him and said, “You are a MAD SCIENTIST!” He looked over his shoulder at me with a mischievous grin and said, “You don’t even know the half of it!”  Little did I know at the time that I wasn’t the first person to dub him with the nickname.

I hope I have given you some insight into Kit’s driving passion. Understanding his motivation will illuminate the amazing collaboration between Karri Guhlbransen, the “Florence Nightingale” of the senior community in Southern Oregon and Kit Doyle, the “Mad Scientist” of the medicinal community. More on Ms. Flo next month!