The Journey For Chronic Pain Relief

“Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.”
–Mason Cooley

The journey I found myself on began when I started exploring other options for chronic pain relief. I had a family member suffering from chronic pain and opioids had been prescribed as their primary therapy. As they used opioids for pain relief, these pharmaceuticals began to rob me both physically and mentally of the person I loved.

Medicinal cannabis is something my family has successfully used for years as an alternative to traditional medications. There have been many advances in cannabis applications in recent years, and it was time to take cannabis therapy to the next level; a level of healing that can only be achieved through the use of cannabis oils.

Living in the Applegate Valley in Oregon, the cannabis capital of our state, it seemed like a no brainer to solicit Kit Doyle, owner of Nature Scripts Dispensary in Murphy, for information. I consulted him on the best way to approach the ailments in question and he hooked me up with the appropriate meds. I am delighted to report that the patient in question has been off opioid therapy for 5 months and has achieved significant relief in their daily struggle with chronic pain using CBD oil applications!

During my consultations at Nature Scripts, Kit shared with me a groundbreaking Senior Outreach program and Cannabus conversion he was working on with Karri Gulbransen the owner/operator of Applegate Manor, an assisted living facility. They have an out of the box approach to healing. They utilize cannabis oils as an alternative to traditional meds, often with remarkable results.

This approach is helping elderly patients in their care taper off traditional medications and achieve a better quality of life in their golden years; Giving them back the vitality they have lost as a result of using pharmaceutical options. Their compassion driven, alternative medicine program really hit close to home with me. This connection made me want to jump in and do anything I could do to benefit their mission.

Kit’s knowledge of cannabis was instrumental in helping my family, so, paying it forward became my mission. I was determined that I would put to use my skills in web development and marketing to help develop a promotional campaign for the Cannabus and Kit and Karri’s Senior Outreach seminars.

That my friends, is what led me to the pages of this fine publication. To share our journey and passion for getting the compassion back into the health care our elders deserve. I encourage you to hop on board and follow our journey in next month’s issue!