Cuvée | Spacequeen x Oregon Pinot Noir

Cuvée means to take two wines and mix them together; In this case, we are mixing two strains of marijuana. This marijuana strain, cuvée, certainly won’t let you down with a cross of TGA’s Pinot Noir and Space Queen. About 50% of certain phenols have an unusual chocolate smell once hash is made. Other phenol characteristics have cherry and chocolate/cherry combo!

The best trait of growing cuvée is it matures 3 weeks early and yields heavily outdoors. A typical 8 week strain buds out 2 weeks early, which is why it’s Subcool’s favorite strain to grow outdoors. It’ll turn reddish-orange and purple at the end of season. Last but not least cuvée is an amazing hash producer! With it’s wine and chocolate appeal, this beautiful flower is certain to be a favorite of yours for Valentine’s day!