
Half Page Banner


Your 300×600 “half page banner” ad will be displayed on our home sidebar as well as across the entire website (articles, special sections, etc.) in rotation with other advertisers. This will include top of sidebar positioning as well as in between sidebar sections.

This placement receives the traffic across the spectrum of our demographics. This placement offers the ability to reach our overall audience and would be best for brands that desire to reach the wider demographic.

In our current rotation, you can expect 2,000 impressions to take approximately 1 month to consume.

Request a quote if your ad budget supports an amount of CPM greater than 10,000. We’ll assign a digital advertising specialist to connect with you you and propose placement and campaign management across our network of high traffic cannabis vertical websites, DOOH Display Screens and mobile apps. We can deliver CPM display ads for just about any budget and work with you on your digital advertising strategy.

Available ad types

  • Image Ad

You will be able to submit the ad content after the purchase.

Product Description

Your 300×600 “half page banner” ad will be displayed on our home sidebar as well as across the entire website (articles, special sections, etc.) in rotation with other advertisers. This will include top of sidebar positioning as well as in between sidebar sections.

This placement receives the traffic across the spectrum of our demographics. This placement offers the ability to reach our overall audience and would be best for brands that desire to reach the wider demographic.

In our current rotation, you can expect 2,000 impressions to take approximately 1 month to consume.

Request a quote if your ad budget supports a amount of CPM greater than Stoner Magazine can deliver. We’ll assign a digital advertising specialist to connect with you you and propose placement and campaign management across our network of high traffic cannabis vertical websites, DOOH Display Screens and mobile apps. We can deliver CPM display ads for just about any budget and work with you on your digital advertising strategy.

Request a quote if your ad budget supports an amount of CPM greater than 10,000. We’ll assign a digital advertising specialist to connect with you you and propose placement and campaign management across our network of high traffic cannabis vertical websites, DOOH Display Screens and mobile apps. We can deliver CPM display ads for just about any budget and work with you on your digital advertising strategy.